Using eMoods to Visualize changes in medication prescription doses
Using eMoods Classic (Android/iPhone) you can now visualize permanent or temporary medication changes.
This means that if your doctor changes your prescription you can now see a clear indication of that on the graph, helping you spot if and when other logged symptoms may have changed in relation to medication changes.
You can also see which days you temporarily changed your medication dose- for example an “as needed” medication may require a higher or lower dose on some days.
In this graph, an app user has been marking off Medication X since the 18th of this month. Medication X was prescribed as 10mg when this user first started logging it. On the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, this user took 15mg of Medication X, a temporary change. This is indicated by the orange rings instead of the standard dose grey circles.
Let’s say this user installed the new eMoods version with the medication change indicator on the 24th and changed their medication dose on the 25th. This is indicated by an orange dot. Clicking on this dot gives more details:
A few days later on the 29th, this user temporarily changed their dose for just that day, indicated by a red ring. Clicking on that date shows:

The red rings should be the norm when you temporarily change a medication dose for a day. An orange ring represents a medication change from the past, for example if your data includes medication changes before you installed this new app version.
So if you have existing data in the app when you make the upgrade to the new version that includes medication changes, you'll instead see an orange ring:
The only difference here is that you see the CURRENT prescribed dose, since the dose on that day may not have been known (since the app wasn't yet recording medication changes)